Reconciliation more critical than ever

As part of National Reconciliation Week 2024, ECU is collaborating with Murdoch University and James Cook University on an important event entitled "Post-Referendum: What's Next for Universities" – and everyone is invited.

Reconciliation more critical than ever
ECU's Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students, Equity and Indigenous) Professor Braden Hill will speak on the event panel at "Post-Referendum: What's Next for Universities"

First published on Edith Cowan University

As part of National Reconciliation Week 2024, ECU is collaborating with Murdoch University and James Cook University on an important event entitled "Post-Referendum: What's Next for Universities" – and everyone is invited.

The event will feature a panel of respected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders in a cross-university discussion exploring the ongoing relevance and meaning of reconciliation in the wake of recent national changes.

Professor Hill said this year as we approach National Reconciliation Week (NRW), we have much to reflect on.

""Now More Than Ever", NRW's 2024 theme, is really a calling to each of us to re-invigorate and re-imagine our efforts on our collective journey towards reconciliation," said Professor Hill.

"Indigenous communities' aspirations for constitutional recognition and representation saw 6.2 million Australians casting a 'yes' vote in the Australian Indigenous Voice referendum.

"While at this time 60 per cent of Australian voters rejected the proposal for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to parliament, it's clear that a significant portion of the population supports progress and improved outcomes for Australia's First Nations peoples.

"This demonstrates the critical need for our ongoing dedication to social justice, equity, and institutional integrity for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities."

Professor Hill explains that despite the significant strides taken towards reconciliation, in this post-referendum environment we are reminded not only that there is still much work to be done, but just how critical the role of our universities can play in the consciousness of our broader society.

"This is a pivotal national conversation we need to keep a fire under, to all keep feeding into and this NRW 2024 event is an opportunity to invite everyone to engage in that dialogue.

"Our three universities are here to provide a platform to explore how all Australian universities can actively and effectively participate in the reconciliation process."

Event Details:

Choose between attending a breakfast event in person (limited seating) or joining online.

  • Theme: Post-Referendum: What's Next for Universities
  • Date: 27 May 2024
  • Time: In-person: 9:00 AM – 11:45 AM
  • Venue: Murdoch University - The Rosemary van den Berg Room (360.4.003)


  • Online: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM (Join us on Teams)

Register here

Choose between in-person and online participation.

"We strongly encourage all staff and students to join us in this important event, which not only fosters reflection but also reaffirms our commitment to reconciliation."


Professor Braden Hill

Professor Braden Hill

Professor Braden Hill is Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Students, Equity and Indigenous at Edith Cowan University.