ECU celebrates extraordinary contributions

ECU is enormously proud to be celebrating its alumni and staff who have been announced as finalists in the 2024 Western Australian of the Year Awards.

ECU celebrates extraordinary contributions
ECU finalists in the Western Australian of the Year Awards 2024.

First published on ECU

ECU is enormously proud to be celebrating its alumni and staff who have been announced as finalists in the 2024 Western Australian of the Year Awards.

The 2024 Western Australian of the Year Awards celebrate exceptional Western Australians making extraordinary contributions in key areas such as arts and culture; the Aboriginal community; positive social, scientific and economic impact; sport and the WA community as a whole.

Of the 21 Award Finalists announced, five are ECU alumni and one is a current member of staff.

ECU School of Education alumnae Caroline Wood AM and Dorothy Erickson AM were both announced as finalists for the Arts & Culture Award, which is presented in celebration of excellence in achievement and/or significant contributions to the development, promotion and profiling of arts and culture disciplines in Western Australia.

Caroline Wood AM, co-founder, and CEO of the Centre for Stories has pioneered a safe and inclusive space for underrepresented and marginalised communities to share their narratives through written and oral storytelling.

Dr Dorothy Erickson AM, an internationally acclaimed artist-jeweller, historian, and author, is currently being celebrated with a retrospective exhibition at the Art Gallery of WA, highlighting her influential career spanning over five decades.

ECU School of Education alumnus Mitchell Messer was announced as a finalist for the Community Award, which is presented in celebration of excellence in commitment to, and contribution towards, improving the quality of lives in the Western Australian community.

Mitch Messer, a stalwart advocate for the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) community for over 40 years, draws upon personal experience after losing two brothers to the condition. His advocacy journey began as a teenager, recognising the disconnect between researchers and the CF community, prompting his mission to improve research processes with a focus on community needs.

ECU School of Education alumna Nicolette Beard and WAAPA alumnus Scott Elstermann, were both announced as finalists for the Youth Award, which is presented in celebration of excellence in leadership, mentoring or artistic pursuits at a state, national or international level amongst 18- to 30-year-olds, positively impacting the lives of Western Australians.

Nicolette Beard, co-founder of We Are WomXn and an Advocate for gender equality and the prevention of sexual violence against women, is passionately championing for improved sex-education for young people, focusing on critical topics of healthy relationships, consent, and mental wellbeing.

Scott Elstermann is a distinguished and highly regarded dancer and choreographer, recognised globally for his innovative work in the field of dance. In 2023, he achieved a rare milestone by being the first Australian choreographer selected to create a new piece for La Biennale di Venezia in Venice.

ECU School of Medical and Health Sciences, Adjunct Professor Desiree Silva, was announced as a finalist for the Professions Award, which is presented in celebration of excellence resulting in major social, scientific or economic impact at a state, national or international level.

Professor Desiree Silva is a trailblazer in paediatrics and child development, renowned for her groundbreaking research and compassionate care. Leading as the Head of Paediatrics and Neonatology at Joondalup Health Campus, she has positively impacted the lives of thousands of children over 35 years of dedicated service.

We wish all these amazing people from our ECU community that have been nominated for these prestigious awards, the very best of luck.  The winners of Western Australian of the Year Awards will be announced on WA Day Monday 3 June 2024.