ECU hosts Silver Anniversary of AusCTW

ECU hosted the 22nd AusCTW in February, bringing together top Australian and New Zealand communications experts to discuss industry shifts and their research impact.

ECU hosts Silver Anniversary of AusCTW
From left to right: A/Prof. Iftekhar Ahmad, Ms. Taylah Griffiths, Mrs. Zeynab Khodkar, Mr. Chris Wang, and Dr. Shihao Yan.

First published by Edith Cowan University

Edith Cowan University hosted the 22nd Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW) in February, bringing together leading Australian and New Zealand communications experts to discuss the biggest transitions in the industry, and how it's impacted developments in research.

Supported by ECU's Centre for Securing Digital Futures, the School of Science and the School of Engineering, AusCTW featured four keynote presentations from Professor Sarah Johnson from the University of Newcastle, Professor Jinho Choi from the University of Adelaide, Professor Jinhong Yuan from the University of New South Wales, and Professor Stephen Hanly from Macquarie University.

There were also a panel discussion, and 16 technical presentations, which were sponsored by Business Events Perth, APPVISION, TMYTEK, IEEE WA Communication Society Chapter, and IEEE Western Australia Section.

"All of our keynote speakers are leaders in communications theory, sharing their years of knowledge and experience with the next batch of communications theorists," Dr Shihao Yan said.

"AusCTW is an especially important event for early to mid-career researchers who are still evolving in their work and deciding which path to take their studies."

The panel discussion titled "Navigating an academic career in the 2020s" covered several fruitful discussions ranging from research to education, and included topics such as "How have Universities changed in the past 10 years?", "Are there any career decisions you feel you’ve made, that really paid off?", and "How to achieve work-life balance and research-teaching balance?"

People looking at posters on boards.
30 Posters were presented during the conference.

Associate Professor Iftekhar Ahmad served as one of three co-chairs this year, with School of Science Associate Dean Professor Kathryn McMahon delivering the welcoming address. PhD students Ms. Taylah Griffiths and Mrs Zeynab Khodkar presented their research among the 30 posters presented during the conference.

Alongside ECU's Dr Ahmad Mohsin, Dr Yan also showcased the state-of-the-art research and education facilities in the Centre for Securing Digital Futures at ECU Joondalup campus via a lab tour.